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5 Ways To Fit More Reading Into Your Routine

Home » 5 Ways To Fit More Reading Into Your Routine

Reading has so many different benefits, it’s a great way to learn new things, and boost your mental health. Many people find it hard to fit reading into their routine, if you need a few pointers, focus on these.

1 . Limit social media time

Many of us spend a lot of time on social media, and it’s not always the best use of time! If you’re someone who’s scrolling on your phone a lot, consider setting a limit. For example, you might plan to spend only fifteen minutes a day on social media? You can use your spare time to do some reading. Reflecting on how you spend your time is the best way to become more mindful. When you reflect on your lifestyle choices, you’ll gradually start to improve your health.

2. Try audiobooks

If you’re struggling to fit reading into your routine, you might consider trying audiobooks? The great thing about audiobooks is that you can listen to them on the go. You don’t need to set lots of time aside, and there are so many different audiobooks to choose from. If you need a few ideas, these were some of the most popular audiobooks of 2021:

  • Marigold by Sarah Gran
  • The Maidens by Alex Michaelides.
  • How Beautiful We Were by Imbolo Mbu.
  • Great Circle by Maggie Shipstead.

3. Set small goals

Perhaps you feel like you’re rushed off your feet the whole time? It might feel a little difficult to squeeze things in? When you’re pushed for time, the key is to set small goals. For example, you might aim to read for just fifteen minutes a day, during your lunch break? Once you reach this goal, you can set a goal that’s a bit more challenging. Setting small goals is a great way to motivate yourself.

4. Join a book club

If you really want to read more, joining a book club is a great idea. When you join a book club, you’ll be committing to the group, helping to stay on track with your reading. There are lots of benefits to joining a book club, such as:

  • It’s a great way to meet new people.
  • Discussing books can help to boost your knowledge and imagination.
  • It can be hard to find good books to read, with a book club- this task is taken care of.
  • There are lots of book clubs to choose from, whether you’re looking for one online, or in person.

5. Create a list

If you want to motivate yourself to read, consider creating a reading list. Make a list of all the great books you’d like to read and work your way through them one by one. It can be fun to experiment with different genres and styles, reading the same type of thing all the time can end up being a little dull. If you’re looking for a great place to get started, check out adventures of a young girl by Lucy Hobbs.
With the help of these tips, you’ll soon fit more reading into your routine. When you read more often you’ll improve your mental health and learn new things. When you’re searching for new books to read it can be helpful to check out a few book reviews.

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